Over the last couple of week-ends the Clooney Quin U10 Boys have had a very busy schedule. On Sunday evening the 8th Oct. Ballina Co. Tipperary hosted us for a hurling challenge match.On the evening 25 boys travelled to play Mike Carey’s home town.

We played a number of highly competitive games and were treated to food and goodies afterwards.An invitation has been extended for

them to visit next year when we hope to return the hospitality.

On Saturday 14th Oct our boys set of early to go to Thurles where they were taking part in a Munster U10 Go Games Monster Hurling Blitz in Dr. Morris Park.On the day 29 boys travelled and we fielded 3 teams on the day.

Team 1 managed by Peter played teams from Fr. O Neills of Cork,Newport of Tipperary and Roanmore of Waterford.

Team 2 managed by Kevin played teams from Caherline of Limerick,Ballyduff Upper of Waterford and Latin Gaels of Tipperary.

Team 3 managed by Fintan played teams from Bride Rovers of Cork,Clonoulty Rossmore of Tipperary and Stradbally of Waterford.

All our teams performed very well on the day. Following the games we travelled to the Barack Obama Plaza for some welcome food.

Thanks to all who helped out on both days,to the parents that travelled to support and our 2 referees Lorcan O Connor and Niall Murphy in Thurles. Well done boys in representing your club and county on both occasions.