Over 40 members of Clooney-Quin Gaa, Camogie and Ladies Football club completed a child protection in sport course on Monday night if this week in Treacys West County.
The course was facilitated by Orla Considine and Feargal Gray.
The course provided information and guidance on the structure, policy and best practice in the protection of all u18s playing games.
It is of great value to all who have this completed course and to the club as a tool for up-skilling coaches, administrators and officers.
This is now a legal requirement and all involved with u18s must complete this.
There will be further courses on March 1st in Whitegate and March 7th in Crusheen for anybody who still needs to get these done. The course is 3hours and starts at 6:30 each evening.
Well done to Orla for delivering a very professional 3 hour course.