The highlight of the Boys U6 hurling year took place last Friday when 28 of our finest young hurlers took on Eire Og in our annual visit to ‘The Townies’.

Having had to postpone the event the previous Friday due to rain, we were blessed with good weather and even better hurling. All teams played several matches and many adults commented on      the high skill levels on show.

It was great to see so many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters in attendance giving great support to our young stars of the future.

Of course the real reason this event is the highlight of the year was yet to come. After the hurling was finished all of our boys, mentors and parents headed to McDonalds to be treated.

With 3 blitzes left over the next 3 weekends, a very successful and enjoyable season is drawing to its conclusion for the year.IMG_20150918_193332photo5photo1photo2photo3photo4