2020 Development
The club recently announced an ambitious project for the development of the club ground including the development of a new clubhouse, a hurling wall and a community walkway. In the weeks and months ahead, we will use this webpage to keep the community of Clooney Quin up to date on progress relating to the development.
Chairman’s Message
“Clooney Quin GAA is setting off on an ambitious journey to achieve ambitious plans both on and off the field over the coming years.As a thriving parish with over 100 kids between U-6 and U10 the future is bright. I am calling on all parishioners to get involved.
I hope that this website can be a hub of information and communications for all and that we can connect people at home and abroad to what’s happening”
Clooney Quin GAA Dedicated to serving the parish
500+ Players
From as young as 5 or 6 to up to Cathal Eagan (45) we cater for players of all ages
3,000+ Sliotars Bought
Out over the wall, or into the fields, “borrowed” by eager youngsters, it takes a lot of balls to run a G.A.A club
130 Non-Playing Members
Hurlers on the ditch, Exiles, All-Ireland ticket hopefuls, Mentors, Administrators, Jersey Washers, and Players – All are welcome!
2.5 million Games Played per year (Note: this number might be alternative fact)
Two full size pitches plus access to Quin School Pitch provides for a very busy Saturday and Sunday morning in Clooney
Never Too Many Volunteers
Remember: If Bridie Fleming can wash jerseys for years and Paddy Fleming do First Aid and we all survived…. Anyone can!